Python Django Cheat Sheet

Does anyone have a django cheat sheet for version 2.0+? Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. User account menu. Every year, we produce a list of the top 10 Python libraries released or popularized that year. 2020 was a hard one, since there are so many good choices.

  • Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Django Focuses on creating web apps with Django. Installing Django and starting a project, working with models, building a home page, using templates, using data, and making user accounts. Available from No Starch Press and Amazon.
  • Beginner’s Python Cheat Sheet - Django Focuses on creating web apps with Django. Installing Django and starting a project, working with models, building a home page, using templates, using data, and making user accounts. If you find any errors, please feel free to get in touch.

Django 1.5 cheat sheet

Updated for Django 1.5 for PyCon 2013 where everyone got a nice laminated copy in their swag bags. Older cheatsheets for Django 1.3 and 1.4 are below.

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Django 1.4 cheat sheet

Here is an updated version Jacob put together for PyCon 2012.

Django 1.3 cheat sheet

Jacob put together this awesome cheat sheet that we handed out in the swag bag at PyCon 2011. Due to its popularity we have now posted it here online. Enjoy!

DOWNLOAD Cheat Sheet (B&W version)

Python Django Cheat Sheet

Need more help with Django? Maybe a book would help...

Python Django Cheat Sheet For Beginners

In case our cheat sheet and the official Django docs aren't enough to help out, here are some good books we recommend on Django. You'll want to read over the descriptions of these as not all of them are appropriate for new beginners.

Recommended Django book list
Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.6UPDATED Two Scoops of Django Danny and Audrey have released a new version of Two Scoops updated for Django 1.6.
Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.5Two Scoops of Django is the latest and greatest Django book by Audrey Roy and Danny Greenfeld who have worked often with us on projects and are very active in the Python and Django communities. Packed full of great best practices and tips for Django developers of all skill levels.
Practical Django ProjectsPractical Django Projects is a great book to learn best practices for keeping your applications clean and reusable.
Pro DjangoProDjango is geared toward intermediate users looking to get more power out of their use of Django. Gives you great examples of relatively hard functionality, such as pausing and resuming arbitrary forms, that you can build on in your own work.
Django 1.0 Template Development Have a hard time building your templates the way you wish you could? Django 1.0 Template Development is a loaded with examples of ways to improve your template related work. A definite must for any designers on your staff.
Django 1.1 Testing and DebuggingDjango 1.1 Testing and Debugging while this book was written specifically for Django 1.1., don't let that scare you. This book is still extrememly useful for improving your testing and debugging skills.

Still having trouble? We offer Django consulting and development services.

This cheat sheet highlights analogies in Python and JavaScript. It might be interesting to you if you are a full-stack developer working with Django, Flask, Pyramid, or another Python-based framework, a server-side developer who wants to better understand the frontend, or a front-end developer who wants to better understand the serverside.

Python Django Cheat Sheet Free

The cheat sheet consists of three sheets:

  1. the traditional Python and JavaScript snippets which will work with Python 2.7-3.x and JavaScript based on ECMAScript 5 and ECMAScript 6 standards
  2. the snippets with modern features of those programming languages which will require Python 3.6 and JavaScript based on the ECMAScript 6 standard (and Babel for backward compatibility)
  3. a bonus sheet with the most useful list and dictionary operations

These topics are covered:

  • integer parsing,
  • conditional assignments,
  • manipulating the values of object attributes and the values of dictionary keys,
  • list operations,
  • string operations,
  • serializing and deserializing objects to and from JSON,
  • working with regular expressions,
  • custom error handling,
  • string interpolation,
  • unpacking lists,
  • lambda functions,
  • iterating through lists,
  • generator functions,
  • working with values in sets,
  • handling function arguments,
  • creating classes with or without inheritance,
  • class properties.

Uhh. That's a lot! Everything is nicely formatted and ready to print.

But wait a moment. That's not all. As a bonus, you also get these topics:

  • finding if a list contains all truthful elements,
  • detecting if a list has any truthful elements,
  • iterating through each element and its index,
  • getting the results of a function for each element in a list,
  • filtering elements by a function,
  • reducing elements by a function to a single value,
  • merging dictionaries.

Get it now and master your craft like a charm!

Python Django Cheat Sheet Download

The current document revision is 12. Last modified in March 2019. PDF in color. Syntax highlighted. It is optimized for laser printing.